Selasa, 22 November 2011

First, a word of caution: wait. Wait and see what transpires in health care reform. Whatever I write today will probably change this year, next year, or the year after. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, is being challenged by most states. The latest kerfuffle was initiated by the Thomas More Law Center. It filed suit because the law stipulates that people who choose not to participate can be taxed under the Internal Revenue Code.

Did you get that? If you do not want to engage in commerce, in this case the purchase of a product of insurance, the government has the power to tax and punish you. Not exactly freedom of choice, is it? One of the dissenting judges in the Sixth Circuit said, "If the exercise of power is allowed and the mandate upheld, it is difficult to see what the limits on Congress's Commerce Clause authority would be." (Italics mine.)


In January 2011 federal judge Roger Vinson quoted President Obama declaring in 2008, "It a mandate was the solution, we can try that to solve homelessness by mandating everybody to buy a house." Clearly the President uses flexible thinking when it's pet project. Nevertheless, 28 states have sued over the Act. At heart lies the right of states to determine for themselves what their citizens can do.

The egregious behavior only begins there. How would you like to be the enforcer of this twisted law? As a business owner, you would be. Here is the mechanism, as outlined by the Congressional Budget Office that estimates revenues of $35 billion, yes billion, in a decade. You would have deduct the penalty payments from your employees' paychecks.

Those of us who sell insurance and tell our potential customers that we will never try to sell them something they neither need nor want will find this impossible to swallow. Those of us who are business owners definitely do not want to become collectors of fines for the feds.

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