Rabu, 30 Mei 2012

Latihan beban kerap dihindari karena berbagai alasan, seperti: takut tulang copot, takut penampilan tubuh jadi jelek, dan lain sebagainya. Padahal latihan beban atau istilah dalam bahasa Inggris "resistance-training" merupakan aktivitas fisik yang tidak semudah itu menghasilkan pertumbuhan otot. Diperlukan latihan dengan tehnik dan intensitas tertinggi yang disertai konsumsi nutrisi dan istirahat yang cukup untuk bisa meraih pertumbuhan otot.

Selain manfaat-manfaat seperti:
- Meningkatkan kekuatan dan keseimbangan tubuh
- Membantu meningkatkan metabolisme tubuh
- Menampilkan bentuk tubuh langsing yang sebenarnya

...latihan beban juga terbukti memperbaiki profil lipid (lemak) dan lipoprotein. Dalam studi yang dipublikasikan oleh Medical Clinics of North America dan Journal of the American Medical Association menemukan terjadinya perubahan angka total kolesterol dan kolesterol LDL-C pada pria maupun wanita. Pada studi oleh ilmuwan yang sama pada 1 tahun sebelumnya bahkan menemukan wanita mengalami penurunan signifikan terhadap kadar lemak darah (trigliserid).

Rekomendasi dari American College of Sports Medicine mengenai latihan beban untuk PRIA dan WANITA adalah sama, yaitu:
1. Dilakukan setidaknya 2 x per minggu.
2. Melatih seluruh bagian tubuh secara seimbang, bukan hanya bagian tertentu yang ingin diturunkan saja.
3. Gunakan 1 gerakan latihan per masing-masing bagian tubuh, masing-masing 2 x 12 pengulangan gerakan (repetisi).
4. Tutup dengan latihan aerobik selama 20 menit.
5. Total waktu latihan tidak lebih dari 45 menit.

Boyden, T. W., Pamenter, R. W., & Going, S. B. et al. (1993). Resistance exercise training is associated with decreases in serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in premenopausal women. Archives of Internal Medicine, 153, 97-100.

Goldberg, L., & Elliot, D. L. (1985). The effect of physical activity on lipid and lipoprotein levels. Medical Clinics of North America, 69(1), 41-55.

Goldberg, L., Elliot, D. L., Schutz, R. W., Kloster, F. E. (1984). Changes in lipid and lipoprotein levels after weight training. Journal of the American Medical Association, 252, 504-507.

Pembuktian ilmiah atas manfaat kesehatan ini telah ada sejak lebih dari 20 tahun yang lalu. What are you waiting for?

Stay strong, stay healthy!

Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

Untuk mencegah kembalinya jerawat itu, Anda juga harus mengindahkan pantangan jerawat berikut ini:

1. Jangan pergi tidur tanpa membersihkan wajah terlebih dahulu. Kulit justru bekerja dengan lebih baik di malam hari pada saat Anda tidur. Kotoran yang menyumbat pori- pori bisa menghambat regenerasi kulit.

2. Jangan lupa untuk mengganti sarung bantal Anda secara rutin. Kotoran dari rambut akan melekat pada bantal saat Anda tidur. Dan bantal yang kotor bisa mengundang bakteri bersarang di dalamnya. Akibatnya jerawat muncul lagi….muncul lagi.

3. Jangan biarkan ujung-ujung rambut mengenai wajah Anda. Debu yang terdapat di ujung rambut bisa memicu timbulnya jerawat.

4. Jangan gunakan sabun mandi biasa untuk membersihkan wajah. Formulanya bisa membuat wajah menjadi kering dan bahkan bisa menimbulkan iritasi.

5. Jangan biasakan memencet jerawat! Kebiasaan buruk ini malah membuat kotoran dari tangan berpindah ke dalam kulit dan menyebabkan iritasi. Akibatnya selain butuh waktu lebih lama untuk sembuh, juga meninggalkan bekas yang sukar hilang.

Air seni (urine) yang jelas itu bukan aliran kesenian yaa… Air seni adalah kotoran kita yang keluar berupa cairan.Umumnya warna urine ditentukan oleh besarnya DIURESIS ( Peningkatan pembentukan kencing ). Makin besar diuresis, makin muda warna urin. Warna normal urin berkisar antara kuning muda hingga kuning tua. warna itu di sebabkan oleh beberapa macam zat, terutama UROCHROM dan UROBILIN.

Meski demikian warna abnormal juga belum tentu karena penyakit berat. Bisa saja disebabkan hasil metabolisme abnormal yang berasal dari suatu jenis makanan atau obat-obatan..

Berikut Warna Yang Berkaitan Dengan Warna Urin :

Zat warna normal dalam jumlah besar : Urobilin, Urochrom
Zat Warna abnormal : Bilirubin
Pengaruh obat-obat : Santonin, riboflavin, atau pengaruh permen
Indikasi penyakit : tidak ada ( normal )

Zat warna normal dalam jumlah besar : indikan ( indoxilsulfat )
Pengaruh obat-obat : methyleneblue, evan’s blue
Indikasi penyakit : obstruksi ( penyumbatan usus kecil )

Zat warna normal dalam jumlah besar : uroerythrin
Zat warna abnormal : hemoglobin, porfirin, porfobilin
Pengaruh obat-obat : santonin, amidopyrin, congored atau juga zat warna makanan
Indikasi penyakit : glomerulonevitis nefitit akut ( panyakit ginjal ), kanker kandung kencing


Zat warna normal dalam jumlah besar : urobilin
Zat warna abnormal : bilirubin, hematin, porfobilin
Indikasi penyakit : hepatitis

Zat warna normal dalam jumlah besar : indikan
Zat warna abnormal : darah tua, alkapton, melamin
Pengaruh obat2 : derivat, fenol, argyrol
Indikasi penyakit : sindroma nefrotika ( penyakit ginjal )

Zat warna normal dalam jumlah besar : fosfat, urat
Zat warna abnormal: pus, getah prostat, chylus, zat2 lemak, bakteri2, protein yang membeku
Indikasi penyakit : Infeksi saluran kencing, kebocoran kelenjar limfa

Nah klo bening tu gimana??? Itu malah bagus kok, tenang aja. Itu menandakan kadar racun di tubuh ada 85% ilang. Intinya harus banyak minum air putih. 

Rabu, 23 Mei 2012

Kuliah IT Nurul Fikri, Jago Linux - Pengumuman UAN SMA / MA / SMK telah tiba, sebagian dari teman kita masih ada yang galau akan melanjutkan kuliah dimana. Ets, tapi ga usah bingung kawan. kalian bisa melanjutkan kuliah kamu di Kuliah IT Nurul Fikri atau biasa disebut dengan "Kampus Linux". Dengan Kuliah IT Nurul Fikri, kamu bisa menjadi Jago Linux. karena para dosen / pengajar nya adalah para praktisi Linux.

seperti kata di video ini Program Profesi IT Jagoan Linux & Open Source

dan ini

Mungkin sebagian dari kamu ada yang belum tau tentang linux. sedikit saya bahas tentang, Linux adalah  sebuah kernel / inti suatu sistem operasi komputer yang berisi baris kode perintah untuk menjalankan semua aplikasi pada komputer. Sedangkan kernel linux dibuat oleh Linus Torvalds pada tahun 1991.  Linux sendiri memiliki distro, distro itu sendiri adalah kumpulan paket-paket software tambahan semisal pengolah gambar, office suite, firewall, aplikasi voip dsb yang ditambahkan pada kernel linux itu sendiri. contoh yang terkenal adalah Debian, Slackware, OpenSuse, Gentoo, Ubuntu, dan lain-lain. Lebih lengkap mengenai daftar distro linux bisa dilihat pada situs www.distrowatch.com
Linux itu adalah Free Open Source Software, tetapi apakah kalimat "free" pada tiap distro itu gratis? kalimat "free" yang dimaksud tidak selalu gratis, kalimat free tersebut diambil dari kalimat "Freedom" yang berarti merdeka / bebas. akankah berarti juga gratis ? tidak juga, programmer atau distro berhak meminta bayaran / sumbangan yang pantas akan produknya. biasanya dalam bentuk dukungan korporat dan sumbangan bagi proyek software terkait. Lalu Apa Benar Linux Bebas dari serangan Virus? Sebenarnya Linux bukan bebas dari serangan virus, namun kasus infeksi virus atau malware sangat jarang terjadi pada Linux. Ini disebabkan karena konfigurasi dan struktur modul pada distribusi Linux dapat dirubah2 oleh siapapun sesuka kehendak hati, menyebabkan kinerja virus menjadi tidak efisien/efektif pada sistem operasi Linux. Misal, ketidak tersediaan shared library yg dibutuhkan oleh virus untuk berjalan karena tidak terinstal secara default. Selain itu versi sebuah distro Linux sangat sering dirilis dalam 1 tahun sehingga menambah dinamika perubahan struktur distribusi.
Berikut ini beberapa perintah - perintah dasar di console/terminal : ls = dir (di windoz) = melihat daftar (list) isi direktori man = melihat manual page perintah bersangkutan -h / --help = parameter help perintah bersangkutan free = melihat penggunaan RAM dan swap file top = melihat service yg berjalan secara live cat = melihat isi sebuah text file uname = melihat spesifikasi sistem netstat = melihat statistik koneksi internet fd = melihat available free space pada HDD cp = mengkopi file mv = memindahkan file mount / umount = melakukan mounting / unmounting pada sebuah drive pwd = melihat kita sedang berada di dalam folder/ direktori mana? whoami = untuk melihat kita login dgn username apa? whereis = mencari letak file tertentu clear = membersihkan layar
Banyak perintah console yang ada di linux, jika kamu ingin mengetahui nya kamu bisa Kuliah IT Nurul Fikri sehingga kamu bisa Jago Linux. Di Kampus Linux kamu bisa tahu bagaimana membuat sebuah mail server, kemudian cara memonitoring sebuah jaringan, menggunakan proxy squid pada linux, webserver, database dan banyak lagi yang akan kamu dapatkan di Kuliah IT Nurul Fikri.
Saat ini banyak perusahaan - perusahaan yang ber-migrasi ke Sistem Operasi Linux karena mereka harus   mengeluarkan biaya per-tahun nya untuk membeli lisensi jika mereka tidak menggunakan FOSS. sehingga mereka membutuhkan SDM yang Jago Linux. maka itu adalah kesempatan kamu.

Kamis, 24 November 2011

This Buffalo Chicken Dip Recipe is like eating a chicken wing, with a spicy kick from Frank's Red Hot Sauce, and a nice cooling effect of creamy Bleu Cheese and Cheddar, only without the mess. Scouring the internet for a perfect recipe, you come across quite a few variations, some are region specific, some just look down right awful. Some people prefer Ranch to their Bleu Cheese, some areas have no idea what Franks Red Hot Sauce is, even more, some people use canned chicken for their Buffalo Chicken Dip. Not exactly sure what planet these people live on, but if I am going to offer something while tailgating for an event, or for family members at a picnic, I am not using canned chicken. In a pinch I will purchase a rotisserie chicken from my local grocery store but I prefer to bake or grill my own chicken ahead of time and shred it prior to adding it to the mixture of cheese and spice that make up my buffalo chicken dip. This recipe contains many Buffalo, NY specific ingredients, one of which is Franks Red Hot Sauce. If you don't have access to Franks locally, buy some online. Franks is used in authentic Buffalo Chicken Wing sauces, and will really give your recipe a kick.
The other product is Rooties Blue Cheese dressing. This dressing is a little more difficult to find online, so if you do not have access to it substitute your favorite bleu cheese dressing. With football season kicking into full gear, this buffalo chicken dip recipe is perfect for your Saturday College Football or Sunday NFL parties with friends and family. If you are lucky enough to make your way to a game and get the full experience of tailgating, this buffalo chicken dip recipe is perfect. So without further ado, I present to you a Buffalonian's take on a dip that has been created and recreated by people everywhere. Please feel free to leave comments on the recipe, and please enjoy.
Buffalo Chicken Dip Recipe Ultimate Tailgating Dip

  • 24oz of Chicken, Shredded - I grill or bake 3 boneless, skinless chicken breast halves which I have removed any fat from, then shred them. If you are in a pinch, I highly recommend buying a rotisserie chicken from your local food market and shredding it yourself.
  • (2) 8oz packages of Cream Cheese softened
  • 1 cup of Frank's Red Hot Sauce
  • 1 cup of Rootie's Blue Cheese Dressing
  • 2 cups of Mild Cheddar cheese
  • Optional - Scallions for garnish
  • Serve with Tortilla Chips, Toasted Pitas, Celery or Carrots


  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the bleu cheese, cream cheese, half a cup of the cheddar, and the hot sauce until mixed through.
  3. Fold in the chicken pieces and transfer to a 9′x11′ baking dish or tin. Top with the remaining cheddar cheese.
  4. Bake the mixture uncovered for 25-30 minutes until the mixture is bubbly and somewhat browned on the top.

It's time to bring it all back home: Now that you know how to make healthy decisions at the supermarket, it's time to implement a few new habits in the kitchen. This will be simple, and don't worry, I won't have you eating cardboard or rabbit food. By following a few general rules, and making a few changes to your culinary routine, you'll find that you can lighten up most of the recipes you enjoy. Here is a list of tips and suggestions you can refer to (and refer to often) while cooking at home:
* Substitute Stevia or Splenda for sugar wherever possible. You can also use applesauce to sweeten cakes if you are baking.
* Use vanilla whey protein powder to replace the bulk of processed white flour in sweet baked goods. You can also try a 50-50 mix of protein powder and nut meal.
* Use nonstick cookware so that you can cut down on oils and butters and brown your foods using less fat. If you need oil, use it sparingly to cut down on calories. Try cooking sprays like Pam or apply oil with a pastry brush so that you have as light a coating of fat on your food as possible.
* Replace fat-laden heavy cream or half and half with whipped evaporated skim milk. For best results, pour the canned evaporated skim milk into a metal mixing bowl. Place the mixing bowl along with your electric mixer's beater attachments in the freezer for about 30 minutes, or until ice crystals form around the edges. Remove the bowl and the beaters from the freezer; whip on high speed until soft peaks begin to form. Use at once.
* Use spices and lemon to flavor foods rather than fattening sauces or heavy, sugary marinades.
* Choose low-fat, low-cal, low-sugar, or low-carb versions of a food if they exist. Get low-fat dairy products like skim milk, low-fat cheese, and sour cream. Rethink all of your favorite condiments. Try out some low-cal, low-fat salad dressings until you find one you really like. Switch to fat-free mayonnaise and light variations of gravies and sauces. There are a wide range of low-carb condiments on the market including ketchups and barbecue and steak sauces. When you're cooking meat, choose the leaner cuts. Remove skin from chicken, but not until after cooking, so the meat will retain some of its moisture.
* Steam, bake, grill, braise, boil, or microwave your foods instead of frying them.
* When combined with water, bouillon cubes are a great low-cal way of adding robust flavor to most recipes that call for beef, chicken, or vegetable stock. You can also add bouillon cubes and water to stir-fries they enhance the flavor and reduce the amount of fat needed to cook.
* Try using different vegetables as starch replacements. Spaghetti squash is great for replacing pasta, strips of zucchini or yellow squash can be cut with a shredder or vegetable peeler to replace lasagna noodles, and you can puree cauliflower as a stand-in for mashed potatoes. Be creative the possibilities here are endless.
* When browning vegetables, put them in a hot pan, then spray with oil, rather than adding oil to the pan first. This reduces the amount of oil the vegetable can absorb during cooking.
You can use the above suggestions to transform recipes into healthier versions of old standby favorites, but you can also use them to come up with new dishes of your own. Be creative, think outside of the box, and you'll be astonished at how well you will be able to eat while still staying totally healthy. Just so you know I'm not lying to you, and so you can get your imagination going, I've included my favorite healthy and delicious! recipes for breakfast (on the-go style and traditional sit-down), lunch, dinner, dessert, and snacks. Many of these won me major points with my team members on The Biggest Loser. But you needn't take our word for it, try them and see for yourself!

Sushi and Sashimi
Yes, some people are a bit revolted by the idea of eating raw fish, but these two Japanese dishes are oh so good, especially when the vinegared rice is prepared just right and the fish is so fresh that it's still in rigor mortis. Fish and seafood used for sushi include salmon, tuna, though not the overfished bluefin, eel, flounder, octopus, shrimp, abalone and salmon roe. If the dieter really can't bear raw fish, they can have sushi made with avocado, sweetened egg, or cucumber.
Dashi is a broth made with a sheet of kombu seaweed and dried bonito flakes, bonito being a fish. It has a delicate taste and aroma and is the basis for many Japanese soups. It is wonderful to drink with nothing in it on cold winter nights.
The calorie count with this dish might be fairly high because it involves dipping food in batter and deep frying it. The great thing about tempura is that it can be made out of anything, including chunks of seafood, sliced Japanese eggplant, carrots, tofu, green squash, slices of lotus root and green onions. It should be drained and eaten while it's hot, for cold or left over tempura has lost much of its appeal.
Hot and Sour Soup
This delicious soup is made from tree fungus, dried tiger lilies, dried shiitake mushrooms and tofu in beef stock. All of the ingredients can be found easily in an Asian market and they're inexpensive. The dieter shouldn't worry about the tree fungus. It's also called cloud ears and is a black mushroom that's grown on logs. It's dried and when it's rehydrated it seems to grow ten times its size, then it's sliced and added to the soup. The soup only needs one or two to suffice.
Peking Dust
This dessert is a bit fussy to make, but it's heavenly. It uses raw chestnuts, sugar, a pinch of salt, heavy cream, one orange and glaceéd walnuts. The chestnuts are pureed, then garnished with the orange and walnuts and slathered with whipped cream in a mold.
Lamb Korma
This is an Indian dish where chunks of lamb are cooked in a creamy curry sauce and served with rice, chutney, raita or onion sambal. Made with coriander, cumin, cardamom seeds, ginger, cloves, red pepper and garlic, it smells as good as it tastes.
Wontons Stuffed with Pork, Cabbage, Scallions and Ginger
Though a lot of people may have bought wontons at their take-out place, there's nothing like making some at home. They're not that hard to make, and practice makes perfect.
These are rice balls and are very popular in Japanese picnic boxes. The ingredients include fresh salmon fillet, one sheet of dried nori, which is also used for wrapping sushi, bonito flakes and umeboshi, pickled and salted plums. Onigiri are a bit labor intensive to make, but, again, worth it.
Miso Soup with Oysters and Bean Curd
Miso is soy bean paste and this dashi-based soup uses red and white miso, fried bean curd, regular bean curd, about 16 oysters, Japanese parsley, fresh ginger root and sansho powder. It's very, very delicious indeed.